The body is our most reliable source of wisdom when we lean to pay attention to its moment-to-moment messages about our own well being. And when we give our bodies the attention they deserve, we come into alignment with our innermost truth, achieving improved emotional, mental and physical health.
Healing through Feeling is a psycho-biological method for resolving trauma symptoms, relieving chronic stress, and increasing resilience in individuals (Adults, Adolescence, Children) and couples. My background is in Somatic Experiencing (SE), Somatic Resilience and Regulation: Early Trauma (SRR), Somatic Attachment Therapy, Couples Therapy, IFS - Internal Family Systems, Bodywork (O.H.H.P) and Social work. - Anxiety - Depression - Chronic Stress - Developmental Trauma - Shock Trauma - Chronic and acute illness including Cancer, Multiple Sclerosis, etc. - Addiction - Eating Disorders - Grief.