I am a marriage and family therapist licensed and working with clients in both Tennessee and California. I am also a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner. I work in-person and via Telehealth in TN and exclusively via Telehealth in CA.
My passion is working with adults of all ages with a focus on early attachment and developmental trauma.
Years ago, while in massage school, a teacher encouraged us by sharing that we would know if we had given a “good” massage because we would feel like we had just received one ourselves. What I didn’t understand at the time is that the experience she spoke of was that of co-regulation. That is why I love this work so much. If I were to offer an image, when I work with client’s through touch, I often feel as though I have been “holding" and “rocking” and “cooing” at sweet babies all day long. As I offer my own regulated nervous system to client’s, I feel shifts occur in them…a settling. That settling, settles me further and the co-regulatory feedback loop is set in motion. It is a dance I could do all day long.
Through helping client's come into relationship with the innate wisdom of their bodies, clients come home to themselves. Cultivating safety within, the world and others begin to feel safer and from this place, a full body yes to Life is possible.