The body is the keeper of our life story. No matter what stress, trauma or pain that has happened it can be healed. Transforming Touch® both professionally and personally had been the missing piece in my healing journey, and I am excited to pass along my knowledge. I have completed trainings in Somatic Experiencing ®, Somatic Skills Online, Somatic Resilience and Regulation as well as with Internal Family Systems Canada, and blend these modalities into my Transforming Touch ®Therapy sessions.
It is my life's work to help people obtain a felt sense of safety, have self-agency, and to be an equal participant in their own healing process. By learning to live a more embodied life, supporting wounded parts, gaining skills to provide Self with nervous system regulation, I believe that all people who have suffered developmental trauma can reclaim their sense of Self, their vitality and live life with a richer, fuller experience.
There is hope. It is never to late to heal.
I work with Adults and Teens, Pregnant women and Babies, in person as well as online. I work mainly with persons with developmental trauma, anxiety, and grief. In pregnancy I am supporting mom's nervous system to be regulated with the gentle intention to benefit the baby within.